Dump the "Shoulds and Living by Your Own Damn Rules

How to Stop Living Someone Else's Life and Start Living Your Own

The "Dump the Shoulds" Declaration: Living by Your Own Damn Rules

Tell Your "Shoulds" to Shove It: How to Stop Living Someone Else's Life and Start Living Your Own

Are you living your life based on a checklist of "shoulds" handed down by society, your parents, and that annoyingly successful cousin of yours? Congratulations, you've successfully turned yourself into a puppet, dancing to everyone else's tune. It's time to cut those strings, burn that checklist, and start living by your own damn rules.

Welcome to the "Screw the Shoulds" Declaration.


The "Should" Shit Show: How You're Sabotaging Your Own Happiness

Let's get something straight: every time you say "I should," you're basically saying "I'm not good enough as I am." You're living your life based on some imaginary rulebook written by people who aren't you and don't have to live with the consequences of your choices. How's that working out for you?

You "should" have a prestigious career. You "should" be married by 30. You "should" want kids. You "should" love kale smoothies and 5 AM workouts. Says who?

The "should" police?

News flash: they don't exist, and even if they did, they don't have jurisdiction over your life.


The Freedom Formula: How to Break Free from the "Should" Shackles

The "Should" Audit:

Make a list of all the "shoulds" in your life. Career shoulds, relationship shoulds, lifestyle shoulds. Now, for each one, ask yourself: "Is this actually important to ME, or am I just doing it to please others or fit some arbitrary mold?" Be ruthless. Your happiness depends on it.

The Values Excavation:

Dig deep and figure out what YOU actually value. Not what society values, not what your parents value, but what lights YOU up. Maybe it's creativity, maybe it's freedom, maybe it's making the world's best grilled cheese sandwich. Whatever it is, own it.

The Permission Slip:

Write yourself a permission slip to live life on your own terms. Yes, like the ones you used to forge in school. "I, [Your Name], hereby give myself permission to ignore societal expectations and live a life that makes me happy." Sign it, date it, laminate it if you're feeling fancy.

The "No" Practice:

Start saying "no" to things that don't align with your values or bring you joy. No, you don't want to attend that baby shower for a coworker you barely know. No, you don't want to take on that extra project that'll make you miserable. Your "no" is a complete sentence.

The Joy Pursuit:

Make a list of things that bring you genuine joy. Not things you think should make you happy, but things that actually do. Now, commit to doing at least one of these things every single day. Even if it's just for 10 minutes. Especially if it seems "unproductive."


The "Screw the Shoulds" Mindset: Living Life on Your Own Terms

Here's the deal: there's no one-size-fits-all formula for a happy life. Your path is yours alone, and it doesn't have to look like anyone else's. Success, happiness, fulfillment – these are all subjective. You get to define what they mean for you.

Want to quit your corporate job to become a professional dog walker? Do it. Don't want kids? Cool, enjoy your sleep and disposable income. Want to eat cake for breakfast? Go for it (but maybe throw in a multivitamin, I'm not a monster).

The point is, it's YOUR life. You're the one who has to live it every single day. So why the hell are you letting other people's expectations dictate how you live it?


The Wake-Up Call: Your "Shoulds" Are Stealing Your Life

Every "should" you blindly follow is a choice you're not making for yourself. It's a little piece of your life that you're handing over to someone else's expectations. And before you know it, you've given away so many pieces that you don't recognize the person staring back at you in the mirror.

But here's the good news: you can take your life back anytime you want. You can choose to live by your own rules, follow your own path, and tell your "shoulds" to take a long walk off a short pier. And when you do, you'll find that life gets a whole lot more fulfilling (and a hell of a lot more fun).


Your "Dump the Shoulds" Action Plan:

The Expectation Eviction:

Choose one societal expectation that's been weighing on you. Now, spend a week actively rebelling against it. Always wear makeup? Go bare-faced. Always say yes to overtime? Start leaving on time. See how it feels to break the rules.

The "Hell Yeah" Filter:

For the next month, only say yes to things that make you think "Hell yeah!" If it's not a hell yeah, it's a no. Watch how quickly this clears out the "shoulds" in your life.

The Alternative Timeline:

Spend an hour imagining a life where you ignored all the "shoulds." What would you be doing? Where would you be living? Who would you be? Let yourself dream big and wild. You might just find some clues about what you really want.

The "Should"-Free Day:

Pick a day and ban the word "should" from your vocabulary. Replace it with "want" or "choose." Notice how this subtle shift changes your perspective and your choices.

Remember, the only "should" that matters is that you should be true to yourself. Everything else is just noise.

Are You ready to tell your "shoulds" to shove it? Are you prepared to start living life on your own terms? Then get out there and start breaking some rules, you magnificent rebel. The world doesn't need another conformist following a prescribed life path. It needs you, in all your unique, rule-breaking glory.

Live your life, not someone else's version of it. And stop "shoulding" all over yourself. You're making a mess, and it's not a good look. Your life, your rules. Period.